
Postgres is an opensource object-relational database.

Ansible Role: db.postgres

Manage MariaDB.

  • Role handles all steps that are provided in this documentation.

# DB
Manage Maria and Postgres DB's.

## Requirements
No additional requirements.

## Role Variables
Settings have been throughly documented for usage.

* [defaults/maria.yml](
* [defaults/postgres.yml](
* [defaults/ports.yml](

## Dependencies
None. Based on:


With patches, postgres 13 support, bullseye support.

## Example Playbook

Maria (Mysql) Configuration
``` yaml
db_maria_root_home:     '/root'
db_maria_root_username: 'root'
db_maria_root_password: '{{ vault_db_maria_root_password }}'
- name: 'digikam'
- name: 'firefly'

- name:     'digikam'
  host:     '%' # If recreated set to server host.
  password: '{{ vault_users_db_maria_digikam_password }}'
  priv:     'digikam.*:ALL'
- name:     'firefly'
  host:     '%' # If recreated set to server host.
  password: '{{ vault_users_db_maria_firefly_password }}'
  priv:     'firefly.*:ALL'
db_maria_mysqld_bind_address:          '*'
db_maria_mysqld_port:                  3306

Prostgres Configuration
``` yaml
db_postgres_version:     '13'
db_postgres_data_dir:    '/var/lib/postgresql/{{ db_postgres_version }}/main'
db_postgres_backup_dir:  '/var/lib/postgresql-backup'
db_postgres_bin_path:    '/usr/lib/postgresql/{{ db_postgres_version }}/bin'
db_postgres_config_path: '/etc/postgresql/{{ db_postgres_version }}/main'
  - 'postgresql-{{ db_postgres_version }}'

  - name:  'gitea'
    owner: 'gitea'
  - name:  'roundcube'
    owner: 'roundcube'

  - name:     'gitea'
    password: '{{ vault_users_db_postgres_gitea_password }}'
    priv:     'all'
    db:       'gitea'
  - name:     'roundcube'
    password: '{{ vault_users_db_postgres_roundcube_password }}'
    priv:     'all'
    db:       'roundcube'

db_postgres_ssl:          'off'
db_postgres_connections_authentication_extensions: |
  listen_addresses = '*'
  superuser_reserved_connections = 1
db_postgres_log_timezone: 'America/Los_Angeles'
db_postgres_timezone:     'America/Los_Angeles'
db_postgres_lc_messages:  'en_US.utf8'
db_postgres_lc_monetary:  'en_US.utf8'
db_postgres_lc_numeric:   'en_US.utf8'
db_postgres_lc_time:      'en_US.utf8'

  - {type: 'host',  database: 'sameuser', user: 'gitea',     address: 'samenet',      method: '{{ db_postgres_auth_method }}'}
  - {type: 'host',  database: 'sameuser', user: 'roundcube', address: 'samenet',      method: '{{ db_postgres_auth_method }}'}
  - {type: 'local', database: 'all',      user: 'postgres',  address: '',             method: 'peer'}
  - {type: 'local', database: 'all',      user: 'all',       address: '',             method: 'peer'}
  - {type: 'host',  database: 'all',      user: 'all',       address: '', method: '{{ db_postgres_auth_method }}'}
  - {type: 'host',  database: 'all',      user: 'all',       address: '::1/128',      method: '{{ db_postgres_auth_method }}'}

``` yaml
- name:   'db server'
  hosts:  ''
  become: true
     - 'r_pufky.db/postgres'
     - 'r_pufky.db/maria'

## Issues
Create a bug and provide as much information as possible.

Associate pull requests with a submitted bug.

## License
[AGPL-3.0 License](

## Author Information

BLOCKING OS Distribution upgrades REQUIRE: Requires upstream source repo update.

Role Details: Updated: 2022-10-09 galaxy source service docs


# Ports Configuration
# Ports should be managed externally via an OS role.
# Reference:
# *

  - {proto: 'tcp', from_ip: 'any', to_port: 3306, direction: 'in', comment: 'mysql service'}
  - {proto: 'tcp', from_ip: 'any', to_port: 5432, direction: 'in', comment: 'postgresql service'}


# postgresql Role Configuration
# Loosely from
# postgres will fail to install if pre-existing databases are in data dir. It
# expects a clean /etc/postgresql{-common}, /var/lib/postgresql.
# Two ways to setup role:
# 1. Use local disk for postgresql installation, do not mount postgres dirs.
#    Use backup and restore.
# 1. Use mounts to carryover over install from machine to machine. Map:
#    * data:   /var/lib/postgresql
#    * config: /etc/postgresql
#    * common: /etc/postgresql-common
# Set pg_hba if setting firewall.
# Reference:
# *
# *
# *

# User that postgres will run under. Assumes externally managed.
db_postgres_user:  'postgres'
db_postgres_group: 'postgres'

# Create 'postgres' user if not detected? See: vars/main.yml.
db_postgres_create_user: false

db_postgres_version:     '12'
db_postgres_data_dir:    '/var/lib/postgresql/{{ db_postgres_version }}/main'
db_postgres_backup_dir:  '/var/lib/postgresql/{{ db_postgres_version }}/backup'
db_postgres_bin_path:    '/usr/lib/postgresql/{{ db_postgres_version }}/bin'
db_postgres_config_path: '/etc/postgresql/{{ db_postgres_version }}/main'

  - 'postgresql-{{ db_postgres_version }}'

db_postgres_python_library: 'python3-psycopg2'

  - 'en_US.UTF-8'

# `md5` or `scram-sha-256` (
# Default: 'md5'
db_postgres_auth_method: 'md5'
# Used for local connection to issue postgres commands
  - '/var/run/postgresql'

# pg_dumpall pg_dump options
db_postgres_backup_options: >

# Enable separate weekly cronjob to backup databases (includes compression)
db_postgres_enable_weekly: true

# databases created if non-existent, and auto-imported from latest backup.
# Reference:
db_postgres_databases: []
# - name: exampledb    # required
#   lc_collate:        # default: 'en_US.UTF-8'
#   lc_ctype:          # default: 'en_US.UTF-8'
#   encoding:          # default: 'UTF-8'
#   template:          # default: 'template0'
#   login_host:        # default: 'localhost'
#   login_password:    # default: not set
#   login_user:        # default: '{{ db_postgres_user }}'
#   login_unix_socket: # default: '{{ db_postgres_unix_sockets[0] }}'
#   port:              # default: not set
#   owner:             # default: '{{ db_postgres_user }}'
#   conn_limit:        # default: not set
#   state:             # default: 'present'

# Reference:
db_postgres_users: []
# - name: example-user # required
#   password:          # default: not set
#   encrypted:         # default: not set
#   priv:              # default: not set
#   role_attr_flags:   # default: not set
#   db:                # default: not set
#   login_host:        # default: 'localhost'
#   login_password:    # default: not set
#   login_user:        # default: '{{ db_postgres_user }}'
#   login_unix_socket: # default: '{{ db_postgres_unix_sockets[0] }}'
#   port:              # default: not set
#   conn_limit:        # default: not set
#   state:             # default: 'present'

# postgresql postgresql.conf Configuration
# Defaults from Debian 10

# [file locations]
db_postgres_external_pid_file: '/var/run/postgresql/{{ db_postgres_version }}'

# [connections and authentication]
db_postgres_port:                    5432 # tcp port
db_postgres_max_connections:         100
db_postgres_unix_socket_directories: '/var/run/postgresql'
db_postgres_ssl:                     'on'
db_postgres_ssl_cert_file:           '/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem'
db_postgres_ssl_key_file:            '/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key'

# Freeform configuration text for adding additional section
db_postgres_connections_authentication_extensions: ''

# [resource usage]
db_postgres_shared_buffers:             '128MB'
db_postgres_dynamic_shared_memory_type: 'posix'
# Freeform configuration text for adding additional section
db_postgres_resource_usage_extensions:  ''

# [write ahead log]
db_postgres_max_wal_size: '1GB'
db_postgres_min_wal_size: '80MB'

# Freeform configuration text for adding additional section
db_postgres_write_ahead_log_extensions: ''

# [replication]
# Freeform configuration text for adding additional section
db_postgres_replication_extensions: ''
# [query tuning]
# Freeform configuration text for adding additional section
db_postgres_query_tuning_extensions: ''

# [reporting and logging]
db_postgres_log_line_prefix: '%m [%p] %q%u@%d '
db_postgres_log_timezone:    'Etc/UTC'

# Freeform configuration text for adding additional section
db_postgres_reporting_logging_extensions: ''

# [process title]
db_postgres_cluster_name: '{{ db_postgres_version }}/main'

# Freeform configuration text for adding additional section
db_postgres_process_title_extensions: ''

# [statistics]
db_postgres_stats_temp_directory: '/var/run/postgresql/{{ db_postgres_version }}-main.pg_stat_tmp'

# Freeform configuration text for adding additional section
db_postgres_statistics_extensions: ''

# [autovacuum]
# Freeform configuration text for adding additional section
db_postgres_autovacuum_extensions: ''

# [client connection defaults]
db_postgres_datestyle:                  'iso, mdy'
db_postgres_timezone:                   'Etc/UTC'
db_postgres_lc_messages:                'C'
db_postgres_lc_monetary:                'C'
db_postgres_lc_numeric:                 'C'
db_postgres_lc_time:                    'C'
db_postgres_default_text_search_config: 'pg_catalog.english'

# Freeform configuration text for adding additional section
db_postgres_client_connection_defaults_extensions: ''

# [lock management]
# Freeform configuration text for adding additional section
db_postgres_lock_management_extensions: ''

# [version and platform compatibility]
# Freeform configuration text for adding additional section
db_postgres_version_platform_compatiblity_extensions: ''

# [error handling]
# Freeform configuration text for adding additional section
db_postgres_error_handling_extensions: ''

# [config file includes]
# Freeform configuration text for adding additional section
db_postgres_include_dir: 'conf.d'
db_postgres_config_file_includes_extensions: ''

# [customized options]
# Freeform configuration text for adding additional section
db_postgres_customized_options_extensions: ''

# postgresql pg_hba.conf Configuration
# Defaults from Debian 10
# Reference:
# *

  - {type: 'local', database: 'all',         user: 'postgres', address: '',             method: 'peer'}
  - {type: 'local', database: 'all',         user: 'all',      address: '',             method: 'peer'}
  - {type: 'host',  database: 'all',         user: 'all',      address: '', method: '{{ db_postgres_auth_method }}'}
  - {type: 'host',  database: 'all',         user: 'all',      address: '::1/128',      method: '{{ db_postgres_auth_method }}'}
  - {type: 'local', database: 'replication', user: 'all',      address: '',             method: 'peer'}
  - {type: 'host',  database: 'replication', user: 'all',      address: '', method: '{{ db_postgres_auth_method }}'}
  - {type: 'host',  database: 'replication', user: 'all',      address: '::1/28',       method: '{{ db_postgres_auth_method }}'}

# postgresql pg_ident.conf Configuration
# Freeform configuration text for adding additional section options.

db_postgres_ident_extensions: ''

# postgresql pg_ctl.conf Configuration
# Freeform configuration text for adding additional section options.

db_postgres_ctl_options: ''

# postgresql start.conf Configuration
# Freeform configuration text for adding additional section options.

db_postgres_start: 'auto'

# postgresql environment Configuration
# Freeform configuration text for adding additional section options.

db_postgres_environment_extensions: ''