23. Reset Password

Windows 10+ has a habit of locking out after updates. If there is no alternative account to login with, then the password must be cleared from the SAM database on disk using a Live USB image:

  1. Download Hiren BootCD ISO.

  2. Use dd or Creating a UEFI USB Boot Disk to create a bootable USB drive.

  3. Boot USB drive to Hiren’s BootCD

  4. utilities › securit › passwords › lazesoft password security


Accounts may only be reset and unlocked (no password); passwords cannot be set in this tool without a license. Reseting the account will also clear saved tokens, such as chrome autologins.

If there is an alternative account to login with (no admin required) then reset your password from safe mode:

Be sure to hold shift until the troubleshooting options appear. Login Screen › shift (hold) + Restart › Troubleshoot › Advanced options › Startup Settings › Restart -> Enable Safe Mode with Command Prompt

Find the correct user and set password.
net user
net user {USER} {PASS}

Recent updates now require a valid login when booting to safe mode, but do not require an admin account.

