
TV Management.

Ansible Role: sonarr

You can copy your existing configuration to sonarr_config directory adjusting for paths.

  • The UID/GID should be set to a user/group that has access to your media. All media clients should run under the same user to run correctly.

  • Your downloader will report the download path mapped in the downloader service. You need to map this exact path in Sonarr for it to be able to post-process downloads properly.

  • See Basic Configuration for example configuration.

# Sonarr
Sonarr installation from public release tarball.

## Requirements
No additional requirements.

## Role Variables
Settings have been throughly documented for usage.


### Ports
All ports and protocols have been defined for the role.

Hosts should only define firewall rules for ports they need.


## Dependencies

## Example Playbook
``` yaml
sonarr_api_key:              '{{ vault_sonarr_api_key }}'
sonarr_update_automatically: true
sonarr_port:                 '8989'

``` yaml
- name:   'sonarr server'
  hosts:  ''
  become: true
     - 'r_pufky.sonarr'

## Issues
Create a bug and provide as much information as possible.

Associate pull requests with a submitted bug.

## License
[AGPL-3.0 License](

## Author Information


Role Details: Updated: 2022-10-08 galaxy source service docs


# Ports Configuration
# Ports should be managed externally via an OS role.
# Reference:
# *

  - {proto: 'tcp', from_ip: 'any',       to_port: 8989, direction: 'in', comment: 'sonarr http'}
  - {proto: 'tcp', from_ip: '', to_port: 8989, direction: 'in', comment: 'sonarr http api'}
  - {proto: 'tcp', from_ip: 'any',       to_port: 9898, direction: 'in', comment: 'sonarr https'}
  - {proto: 'tcp', from_ip: '', to_port: 9898, direction: 'in', comment: 'sonarr https api'}


# Sonarr Role Configuration
# User that sonarr will run under. Assumes externally managed.
sonarr_user:  'media'
sonarr_group: 'media'

# Create 'media' user if not detected? See: vars/main.yml.
sonarr_create_user: false

# Installation directory
sonarr_dir: '/var/lib/sonarr'

# Staging directory for backups
sonarr_staging: '/var/lib/sonarr-staging'

# Target location of backup file on ansible host.
sonarr_local_backup: 'host_vars/data/sonarr-config.tar.gz'

# Sonarr config.xml Configuration

sonarr_port:                  '8989' # http port
sonarr_bind_address:          '*'
# Sonarr requires ssl port to be defined even if unused
sonarr_ssl_port:              '9898' # https port
sonarr_enable_ssl:            false
sonarr_api_key:               ''
sonarr_authentication_method: 'None'
sonarr_log_level:             'info'
# Default: undefined
sonarr_launch_browser:        false
sonarr_branch:                'main'
sonarr_ssl_cert_hash:         ''
sonarr_update_mechanism:      'BuiltIn'
# Default: undefined
sonarr_analytics_enabled:     false
# Default: undefined
sonarr_update_automatically:  false
sonarr_url_base:              ''