
Steam dedicated servers with steamcmd and wine.

Ansible Role: steam

Role handles configuration of all provided games servers. See each game for game-specific documentation.

BLOCKING OS Distribution upgrades REQUIRE: Requires upstream repo update, wine dependency updates.

Role Details: Updated: 2022-10-10 service docs PRIVATE


# Steam Role Configuration (~2GB)
# Install steamcmd with additional dependencies for running windows servers.
# Preconfigure server settings may be deployed by enabling specific games or
# manually installed after the role is applied.
# Preconfigured servers will install all files and services required to run a
# game.

# User that steam will run under. Assumes externally managed.
steam_user:  'steam'
steam_group: 'steam'

# Create 'steam' user if not detected? See: vars/main.yml.
steam_create_user: false

# Install wine if enabled. May be automatically enabled if a preconfigured
# game is enabled. Default: true.
steam_wine_enable: false

# Wine release to install (stable, devel, staging). Default: 'stable'.
steam_wine_release: 'stable'

# Enable CAP_NET_RAW to allow applications that need to send and receive raw IP
# packets to do so. This is disabled by default because it carries a potential
# security risk, and the vast majority of applications do not need that
# capability; though some wine applications/games my need it. Default: false.
steam_wine_raw_network_enable: false