Document Generation

Site documentation is generated using sphinx with a python virtual environment and a custom makefile.


Environment automatically setup via the Makefile when building documentation, for Debian and Manjaro platforms.

Documentation should be linkchecked for linkrot before building a new set of docs to be published.

Setup sphinx build environment.
make deps
One shot build and link verification.
make clean docs linkcheck
Build docs, then verify links separately.
make clean docs
make linkcheck
Clean docs/ to upload only source changes.
make head


master file […] checkouts/latest/contents.rst not found

Usually occurs when no sphinx modules are found in the python environment. Ensure environment is properly and retry. See Using Virtual Environments.

Additionally, you may force specify an alternative index in using master_doc = 'index'.



  1. Video Tutorial on Sphinx

  2. Sphinx Getting Started Tutorial

  3. Ascii Art Figure Manual

  4. Ascii Art Figure Documentation

  5. RST Primer Tutorial

  6. RST Live Editor

  7. Sphinx Live Editor

  8. Sphinx RST Cheetsheet

  9. Sphinx RST Cheetsheet 2

  10. Sphinx roles and subsitutions

  11. Sublime and Sphinx

  12. nginx Sphinx documentation guidance

  13. Sphinx Tools

Development References

  1. Sphinx Development

  2. Documented List

  3. RST Directive option conversion functions

  4. Sphinx roles

  5. docutils snippets

  6. Unicode Python 3 escape sequences

  7. Unicode triangular bullet

  8. Using sphinx with github

  9. Custom Sphinx Makefile

  10. Sphinx Docs

  11. Read the Docs Theme