Steam Older Game Versions

All games on steam are versioned and stored in a repository; this provides a mechanism to install an old version for a game.

  1. Find your game on the Steam DB.

  2. Locate the manifests for all versions of a game by navigating to a specific game version manifest:

    Game › APPID › Packages › SUBID › Depots › Depot ID › Manifests

    example manifest list.

  3. Determine the MANIFESTID to use. example manifest.

  4. Open the Steam console from browser: steam://nav/console. Steam Client Bootstrapper should launch.

  5. Download the old version:

    download_depot <AppID> <DepotID> <ManifestID>
    download_depot 239140 335819 23871677621866113
    • AppID is found on the main game listing.

    • DepotID & ManifestID found on the manifest listing.

    • On completion the location of the download will be shown.

  6. Data will be downloaded but not installed. It is typically located:


  7. Copy the original game files that will be overwritten to another location or back them up.

  8. Copy the old version files into the game directory.

  9. Disable the Internet connection before starting the game; as steam will typically force-update on launch. After launched, the Internet connection can be restored.


  1. Download older versions of Steam game