
Automatically ban repeated failed authentication attempts.

Ansible Role: fail2ban

Role handles all steps that are provided in this documentation.

  • All base action, filter, and jail provided by the Debian are included for use in the role by default.

  • Custom definitions may be provided with fail2ban_filterd_path, fail2ban_actiond_path, and fail2ban_jaild_path.


Role Details: Updated: 2022-10-10 service docs Reference PRIVATE


# Fail2ban Settings

# Location of custom filters to place in /etc/fail2ban/filter.d; from root
# ansible directory. Pre-existing filters installed can be found in
# files/filter.d. Use a trailing slash when specifying filter directory.
# Default: ''
fail2ban_filterd_path: ''

# Location of custom actions to place in /etc/fail2ban/action.d; from root
# ansible directory. Pre-existing actions installed can be found in
# files/action.d. Use a trailing slash when specifying action directory.
# Default: ''
fail2ban_actiond_path: ''

# Location of custom jails to place in /etc/fail2ban/jail.d; from root ansible
# directory. Pre-existing jails installed can be found in files/jail.d. Use a
# trailing slash when specifying jail directory for correct copying.
# Default: ''
fail2ban_jaild_path: ''

# Services configuration. Defines all services that fail2ban will monitor.
# Defined using the same key/value pairs as in jail.conf.
# Services that are defined in action/jail/filter directories can be enabled
# by just setting the service name (enabled is automatically set to true if
# not set):
#   fail2ban_services:
#     - name:   'sshd'
# Multiple services can be defined and configured at once. This defines the ssh
# service and uses the apache-wordpress-login service defined in
# actions/jails/filters.
#   fail2ban_services:
#     - name:    'sshd'
#       port:    'ssh'
#       logpath: '%(sshd_log)s'
#       backend: '%(sshd_backend)s'
#       enabled: true
#     - name:     'apache-wordpress-logins'
#       port:     'http,https'
#       filter:   'apache-wordpress-logins'
#       logpath:  '/var/log/apache2/access.log'
#       maxretry: 5
#       findtime: 120

# By default, sshd service is enabled on installation.
  - name:    'sshd'
    port:    'ssh'
    logpath: '%(sshd_log)s'
    backend: '%(sshd_backend)s'
    enabled: true

# Default fail2ban.conf Settings
# Default settings for fail2ban.conf actions/jails.
# Default values are defined in vars/main/fail2ban.yml. Any of these values may
# be overridden by using the config value with 'fail2ban_' prepended, e.g. to
# set loglevel, you would:
#   fail2ban_loglevel: 'CRITICAL'

# Default jail.conf Settings
# Default settings for jail.conf actions/jails.
# Default values are defined in vars/main/jail.yml. Any of these values may be
# overridden by using the config value with 'fail2ban_' prepended, e.g. to set
# banaction, you would:
#   fail2ban_banaction: 'iptables-multiport'
# Use booleans and lists as appropriate for each value.

# Add rules to the input chain.
fail2ban_chain: 'INPUT'