
Bittorrent downloader.

Ansible Role: deluge
  • The UID/GID should be set to a user/group that has access to your media. All media clients should run under the same user to run correctly.

  • Your downloader will report the download path mapped in the downloader service. You need to map this exact path in Deluge for it to be able to post-process downloads properly.

  • Deluge must be connected to the Daemon to write configuration changes. Ensure you select Connect on Connection Manager when logging in.

  • max_upload_speed should be set to a non-zero number to enable downloads.

# Deluge
Deluge installation from public release tarball.

## Requirements
No additional requirements.

## Role Variables
Settings have been throughly documented for usage.


### Ports
All ports and protocols have been defined for the role.

Hosts should only define firewall rules for ports they need.


## Dependencies

## Example Playbook
``` yaml
deluge_web_first_login: false
deluge_web_pwd_salt:    '{{ vault_deluge_web_pwd_salt }}'
deluge_web_pwd_sha1:    '{{ vault_deluge_web_pwd_sha1 }}'
deluge_web_port:        8112

``` yaml
- name:   'deluge server'
  hosts:  ''
  become: true
     - 'r_pufky.deluge'

## Issues
Create a bug and provide as much information as possible.

Associate pull requests with a submitted bug.

## License
[AGPL-3.0 License](

## Author Information


Role Details: Updated: 2022-10-08 galaxy source service docs


# Ports Configuration
# Ports should be managed externally via an OS role.
# Reference:
# *

  - {proto: 'tcp', from_ip: 'any', to_port: 8112, direction: 'in',  comment: 'deluge http'}
  - {proto: 'tcp', from_ip: 'any', to_port: 8080, direction: 'in',  comment: 'deluge socks proxy'}
  - {proto: 'tcp', from_ip: 'any', to_port: 6881, direction: 'in',  comment: 'deluge inbound torrent service'}
  - {proto: 'udp', from_ip: 'any', to_port: 6881, direction: 'in',  comment: 'deluge inbound torrent service'}
  - {proto: 'tcp', from_ip: 'any', to_port: 6891, direction: 'in',  comment: 'deluge inbound torrent service'}
  - {proto: 'udp', from_ip: 'any', to_port: 6891, direction: 'in',  comment: 'deluge inbound torrent service'}
  - {proto: 'tcp', to_ip: 'any',   to_port: 0,    direction: 'out', comment: 'deluge outbound torrent service'}
  - {proto: 'udp', to_ip: 'any',   to_port: 0,    direction: 'out', comment: 'deluge outbound torrent service'}


# Deluge Role Configuration
# User that deluge will run under. Assumes externally managed.
deluge_user:        'media'
deluge_group:       'media'

# Create 'media' user if not detected? See: vars/main.yml.
deluge_create_user: false

# Location to store delug configuration.
deluge_config:         '/var/lib/deluge'

# Log location.
deluge_log:            '/var/log/deluge'

# Logging level.
deluge_log_level:      'warning'

# Deluge core.conf configuration

deluge_file:                            1
deluge_format:                          1
deluge_add_paused:                      false
deluge_allow_remote:                    false
deluge_auto_manage_prefer_seeds:        false
deluge_auto_managed:                    true
deluge_cache_expiry:                    60
deluge_cache_size:                      512
deluge_copy_torrent_file:               false
deluge_daemon_port:                     58846
deluge_del_copy_torrent_file:           false
deluge_dht:                             true
deluge_dont_count_slow_torrents:        false
deluge_download_location:               '/bin/false/Downloads'
deluge_download_location_paths_list:    []
  - 'AutoAdd'
deluge_enc_in_policy:                   1
deluge_enc_level:                       2
deluge_enc_out_policy:                  1
deluge_geoip_db_location:               '/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat'
deluge_ignore_limits_on_local_network:  true
deluge_info_sent:                       0.0
deluge_listen_interface:                ''
deluge_listen_ports: # incoming torrent ports
  - 6881
  - 6891
deluge_listen_random_port:              58379
deluge_listen_reuse_port:               true
deluge_listen_use_sys_port:             false
deluge_lsd:                             true
deluge_max_active_downloading:          3
deluge_max_active_limit:                8
deluge_max_active_seeding:              5
deluge_max_connections_global:          200
deluge_max_connections_per_second:      20
deluge_max_connections_per_torrent:     -1
deluge_max_download_speed:              -1.0
deluge_max_download_speed_per_torrent:  -1
deluge_max_half_open_connections:       50
deluge_max_upload_slots_global:         4
deluge_max_upload_slots_per_torrent:    -1
deluge_max_upload_speed:                -1.0
deluge_max_upload_speed_per_torrent:    -1
deluge_move_completed:                  false
deluge_move_completed_path:             '/bin/false/Downloads'
deluge_move_completed_paths_list:       []
deluge_natpmp:                          true
deluge_new_release_check:               false
deluge_outgoing_interface:              ''
deluge_outgoing_ports: # outgoing torrent ports
  - 0
  - 0
deluge_path_chooser_accelerator_string:               'Tab'
deluge_path_chooser_auto_complete_enabled:            true
deluge_path_chooser_max_popup_rows:                   20
deluge_path_chooser_show_chooser_button_on_localhost: true
deluge_path_chooser_show_hidden_files:  false
deluge_peer_tos:                        '0x00'
deluge_plugins_location:                '/var/lib/deluge/plugins'
deluge_pre_allocate_storage:            false
deluge_prioritize_first_last_pieces:    false
deluge_proxy_anonymous_mode:            false
deluge_proxy_force_proxy:               false
deluge_proxy_hostname:                  ''
deluge_proxy_password:                  ''
deluge_proxy_port:                      8080 # socks proxy port
deluge_proxy_proxy_hostnames:           true
deluge_proxy_proxy_peer_connections:    true
deluge_proxy_proxy_tracker_connections: true
deluge_proxy_type:                      0
deluge_proxy_username:                  ''
deluge_queue_new_to_top:                false
deluge_random_outgoing_ports:           true
deluge_random_port:                     true
deluge_rate_limit_ip_overhead:          true
deluge_remove_seed_at_ratio:            false
deluge_seed_time_limit:                 3
deluge_seed_time_ratio_limit:           7.0
deluge_send_info:                       false
deluge_sequential_download:             false
deluge_share_ratio_limit:               2.0
deluge_shared:                          false
deluge_stop_seed_at_ratio:              false
deluge_stop_seed_ratio:                 2.0
deluge_super_seeding:                   false
deluge_torrentfiles_location:           '/bin/false/Downloads'
deluge_upnp:                            true
deluge_utpex:                           true

# Deluge web.conf configuration
# Default web password is 'deluge'
# Passwords are salted SHA1 hashes:
# Easiest to load defaults, change password and store resulting hashes.

deluge_web_file:                     2
deluge_web_format:                   1
deluge_web_base:                     '/'
deluge_web_cert:                     'ssl/daemon.cert'
deluge_web_default_daemon:           ''
deluge_web_enabled_plugins:          []
deluge_web_first_login:              true
deluge_web_https:                    false
deluge_web_interface:                ''
deluge_web_language:                 ''
deluge_web_pkey:                     'ssl/daemon.pkey'
deluge_web_port:                     8112 # http port
deluge_web_pwd_salt:                 'c26ab3bbd8b137f99cd83c2c1c0963bcc1a35cad'
deluge_web_pwd_sha1:                 '2ce1a410bcdcc53064129b6d950f2e9fee4edc1e'
deluge_web_session_timeout:          3600
deluge_web_sessions:                 {}
deluge_web_show_session_speed:       false
deluge_web_show_sidebar:             true
deluge_web_sidebar_multiple_filters: true
deluge_web_sidebar_show_zero:        false
deluge_web_theme:                    'gray'

# Deluga AutoAdd (watch) configuration

deluge_autoadd_file: 2
deluge_autoadd_format: 1
# List of Dicts containing watched directory settings
# deluge_autoadd_watchdirs: [
#   {
#    abspath:                    '/data/downloads/watched',
#    add_paused:                 true,
#    add_paused_toggle:          false,
#    append_extension:           '.added',
#    append_extension_toggle:    true,
#    auto_managed:               true,
#    auto_managed_toggle:        false,
#    copy_torrent:               '',
#    copy_torrent_toggle:        false,
#    delete_copy_torrent_toggle: false,
#    download_location:          '/data/downloads/incomplete',
#    download_location_toggle:   false,
#    enabled:                    true,
#    label:                      '',
#    label_toggle:               false,
#    max_connections:            -1,
#    max_connections_toggle:     false,
#    max_download_speed:         0,
#    max_download_speed_toggle:  false,
#    max_upload_slots:           -1,
#    max_upload_slots_toggle:    false,
#    max_upload_speed:           0,
#    max_upload_speed_toggle:    false,
#    move_completed:             true,
#    move_completed_path:        '/data/downloads/complete/deluge',
#    move_completed_toggle:      false,
#    owner:                      'localclient',
#    path:                       '/data/downloads/watched',
#    queue_to_top:               true,
#    queue_to_top_toggle:        false,
#    remove_at_ratio:            true,
#    remove_at_ratio_toggle:     false,
#    seed_mode:                  false,
#    stop_at_ratio:              true,
#    stop_at_ratio_toggle:       false,
#    stop_ratio:                 0,
#    stop_ratio_toggle:          false
#  }]
deluge_autoadd_watchdirs: []