Authy TOTP Migration

Authy actively trys to lock in users, which is only made worse by some sits only allowing Authy usage (such at This is not ideal, especially if you have other TOTP solutions that already work for you.

This will guide you how to remove dependence on Authy.

Original step-by-step here. Github repo with Script.

This is not my work; just abbreviated notes with sources to remove Authy dependence.

Setup Authy

Ensure Two Factor is setup for those sites which require Authy.


A phone number is needed. Set a master password as well, in case you ever need to come back and reset TOTP offloading. Both of these will be removed after setup.

Authy TOTP Format

Authy uses a 7 digit, 10 second period for TOTP.

This is know to work with the following authenticators:

Export TOTP from Authy

  1. Open chrome authy extension, nagivate to Two Factor site to extract.

  2. chrome › more tools › extensions

    • Enable Developer Mode.

    • {LMB} › Details on Authy extension.

    • Inspect Views › main.html

    • Switch to Console tab.

    • Insert following code (not my work) and generate TOTP QR codes:

      Generate TOTP QR codes from extension seed.
      function hex_to_b32(hex) {
        let alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567";
        let bytes = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < hex.length; i += 2) {
          bytes.push(parseInt(hex.substr(i, 2), 16));
        let bits = 0;
        let value = 0;
        let output = '';
        for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
          value = (value << 8) | bytes[i];
          bits += 8;
          while (bits >= 5) {
            output += alphabet[(value >>> (bits - 5)) & 31];
            bits -= 5;
        if (bits > 0) {
          output += alphabet[(value << (5 - bits)) & 31];
        return output;
      // Based on
      function console_image(url, size) {
        console.log("%c+", "font-size: 1px; padding: " + Math.floor(size / 2) + "px " + Math.floor(size / 2) + "px; line-height: " + size + "px; background: url(" + url + "); color: transparent;");
      appManager.getModel().forEach(function(i) {
        let qr_size = 500;
        let secret = (i.markedForDeletion === false ? i.decryptedSeed : hex_to_b32(i.secretSeed));
        let period = (i.digits === 7 ? 10 : 30);
        let totp_uri = `otpauth://totp/${encodeURIComponent(}?secret=${secret}&digits=${i.digits}&period=${period}`;;
          console.log('TOTP secret:', secret);
          console.log('TOTP URI:', totp_uri);
          let url = (new QRious({value: totp_uri, size: qr_size})).toDataURL();
          console_image(url, qr_size);
    • Scan the TOTP URI code. This will program your Two Factor app with the correct number of digits and period. The TOTP secret QR is the hash for manually entering data.

  3. Confirm Two Factor works with a token from the new Two Factor device. It is OK if tokens for Authy and new device do not line up. Confirm login works.


  1. Remove Authy app.

  2. Remove Authy Extension.

  3. chrome › more tools › extensions

    • Disable Developer Mode.