GPG Operations
Operations (decrypt, encrypt, sign) using GPG. Setup Yubikey using Export GPG Subkeys to Yubikey.
If you are encrypting files for yourself, use your email address associated with your public key as the recipient.
If the public key is not your own and cannot be found on keyservers, it must be manually imported.
gpg --import {KEY FILE}
gpg --recv {KEYID}
The public key can be exported as well for others to encrypt data for you.
gpg --homedir /some/custom/.gnupg --armor --export > my_public_key.gpg
gpg --armor --batch --trust-model always --encrypt --recipient {GPGID} {FILE}
will prevent GPG from warning about untrusted keyrecipients.
echo -n "super_secret_server_stuff" | gpg --armor --batch --trust-model always --encrypt --recipient {GPGID}
Create a Detached Signature
This is used to validate that the GPG encrypted file has not been changed.
gpg --detach-sign {FILE}.gpg
Validate File Using Detached Signature
gpg --import {PUBLIC KEY}
gpg --verify {FILE}.sig