GPG Cleanup
Manually verify this information to ensure you do not accidently lose data or access/control to your GPG identity.
Verify the Following
Encrypted Media has the following:
A backup of GPG Master Key (with all keys locally present):
Your Master Key password is stored away from your encrypted media, in a controlled space.
Your Encrypted Media password is stored away from your encrypted media, in a controlled space.
The encrypted media is stored offline, in a controlled space.
The public keys are stored or published, and are readily accessible.
It is generally a good idea to print a copy of the revocation certificate and give it to a trusted third-party.
Secure Delete Secret Material
Securely remove any secret GPG material.
If you are using a Live OS, just reboot. If you’re paranoid, wipe the live OS drive.
If not using a live OS, wipe private key material after you confirm it is backed up.
sudo srm -r $GNUPGHOME || sudo rm -rf $GNUPGHOME
sudo srm -r $GPGBACKUP || sudo rm -rf $GPGBACKUP
gpg --delete-secret-key $KEYID