KVM Server
Basic KVM server setup on ubuntu (18.04).
KVM Files
KVM and VM configuration data
Default KVM VM/ISO image pool Location
Updated: None
Install Service
egrep -c '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo
<= 0
means that hardware virtualization is disabled or not supported with hardwareAMD Processers: Check BIOS, ensure
is enabled.Intel processors: Check BIOS, ensure
is enabled.
apt install cpu-checker
This should clearly state if accleration can be used.
apt install qemu qemu-kvm qemu-efi qemu-utils libvirt-bin libvirt-clients libvirt-daemon-system virt-manager
adduser {USER} libvirt
adduser {USER} libvirt-qemu
This is so a normal user can run
, instead of logging in asroot
Add/Update storage pools
By default a single location is used for VM’s and ISO images. Create/map additional locations for storage pools to mount ISO images to keep separate from VM images.
Add storage pool to KVM
Virtual machines should typically not have their own storage pool defined.
Edit › Connection Details › Storage
dir: Filesystem Directory
Target Path
Updated: None
KVM Specific Issues
There seems to be an issue with Netplan bridging, KVM, and using the same bridged for host networking traffic as well as VM traffic. The workaround is to have a separate bridged adapter. This is a longstanding bug with KVM and can be fixed by modifying sysctl settings.
See Docker Bridged Adapters to resolve Docker issues.
Create a Network Bridge
This is so VM’s can get an IP on the host network, instead of using NAT.
ip link show
lspci | grep ethernet
version: 2
renderer: networkd
dhcp4: yes
dhcp4: no
interfaces: [eno2]
dhcp4: no
macaddress: A0:B1:C2:D3:E4:F5
MAC is randomly generated on boot if not specified for the bridge network.
Netplan seems funky in consistently applying changes. In most cases a reboot applies the config correctly. See Netplan documentation.
netplan --debug apply
networkctl status -a
ip a
should also display corresponding information.
Remove Pre-made NAT Virtual Bridge
This network is not needed if using bridging.
virsh net-list -all
.virsh net-destroy br1
virsh net-undefine br1
service libvirtd restart
virsh net-list --all
Creating New VM
Setup a standard VM to use the network bridge.
Initial VM setup to use networking bridge
Only explicitly configured options are shown here. Disks should be created
using the RAW
format for performance.
You can manually specify bridge using the Specify Shared Device Name option and explicitly typing your bridge name if the Virtual Network bridge is not created.
File › New Virtual Machine
Select or create custom storage
Customize configuration before install
Network Selection
Virtual Network ‘br0’: bridge network
Updated: None
Add custom MAC
MAC Address
Updated: None
Add virtio device
Add Hardware › Network
Network Source
Virtual Network ‘br0’: bridge network
MAC Address
Device Model
Updated: None
Be sure to begin installation for VM to be created.
Install Guest OS Tools
These are only needed if you want to use a GUI in linux (required for windows).
apt install spice-vdagent xserver-org-video-qxl
Windows 10 requires signed virtio drivers. Drivers have been signed with the Red Hat vendor signature.
Convert XenServer XVA to KVM Image
XenServer images cannot be directly imported, they must be converted first. VM’s should be exported 1 instance per XVA image export.
apt install cmake gcc build-essentials libssl-dev
git clone https://github.com/eriklax/xva-img.git
cd xva-img/
cmake .
sudo make install
mkdir my_vm
tar -xvf my_vm.xva -C my_vm
chmod -R 0755 my_vm
xva-img -p disk-export my_vm/Ref\:{XXX}/ my_vm/ref-{XXX}.raw
Disks have no permissions by default.
There will be one
directory per disk. Generally, keep this named as the reference number for sanity, until you know what they are.Note: RAW is generally better for performance and long term performance.
qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 my_vm/ref-{XXX}.raw my_vm/ref-{XXX}.qcow2
QCOW images are generally slower but allow for deduplication and consolidation of unused space.
Grab Metadata From VM
VM metadata (such as # of CPU’s, memory, MAC) are not extracted by default. This should be extracted for correct VM import into KVM.
grep -o '.\{0,40\}CPU.\{0,40\}' my_vm/ova.xml
grep -o '.\{0,40\}memory.\{0,40\}' my_vm/ova.xml
grep -o '.\{0,40\}MAC.\{0,40\}' my_vm/ova.xml
grep -o '.\{0,40\}hostname.\{0,40\}' my_vm/ova.xml
Export KVM Image
Useful for a configuration backup or moving to a new system.
virsh dumpxml {VM NAME} > {VM NAME}.xml
Copy the XML file and associated disks to new location.
virsh create {VM NAME}.xml
Update disk location in XML file if location has changed.
Moving KVM Images
KVM images are stored in two locations, configuration and disk images.
Ensure VM is stopped.
Move VM disk images to new location.
Update location information in XML file
.Restart service
service libvirtd restart
Moving KVM Storage Pool
The default image storage location makes sense for linux (/var
), but not for
servers centralizing data to storage pools.
By default, a single pool default
is used for both VM images and ISO images.
Service requires a restart on changes.
virsh pool-list
virsh pool-info {POOL NAME}
virsh pool-destroy {POOL}
This will only remove the pool in KVM, not delete the underlying data.
Alternatively, you can just delete the definition in
and corresponding autostart file if existing/etc/libvirtd/storage/autostart
virsh pool-edit {POOL}
Update location for storage.
Generally need to restart libvirtd for changes to apply.
virsh pool-dumpxml default > pool.xml
Assumes pool name is
.Make sure disk images are moved to new location.
Update disk image locations in XML file.
virsh pool-destory default
virsh pool-create pool.xml
Mount RAW Disk Image
This will enable mounting of a RAW disk image outside of the VM.
fdisk -l /var/lib/libvirt/images/{IMAGE}.RAW
Determine Sector Size.
Determine Start Sector for partition to mount.
The sector offset is:
Sector Start * Sector Size = Sector Offset
losetup -r -o {SECTOR OFFSET} /dev/loop0 /var/lib/libvirt/{IMAGE}.RAW
losetup -d /dev/loop0
can be used to detach device later.losetup -l
will show looped devices current mounted.
mount /dev/loop0 /mnt/image
Threadripper BSOD Windows 10 1803+
Windows 10 versions 1803+ will BSOD on installation due to a unavaliable MSR registers in KVM.
A registers patch has been created and will be avaliable in the 4.20+ kernel release.
Temporary Workaround
Emulating a Opteron Generation 5
processer will prevent bluescreens from
happening. This will be an emulated CPU instead of passthrough.
Create a VM as normal and shutdown. Edit the VM definition to force emulate an Opteron processor, and reload the definition.
<cpu mode='custom' match='exact' check='partial'>
<model fallback='allow'>Opteron_G5</model>
<topology sockets='1' cores='8' threads='1'/>
<feature policy='disable' name='xop'/>
<feature policy='disable' name='fma4'/>
<feature policy='disable' name='tbm'/>
virsh define /etc/libvirt/qemu/threadripper-vm.xml