9. UI Settings

KDE requires a logout for the fonts to become active in the session or just import the fonts manually in font management after setup.

9.1. Themes

Install Arc and Papirus themes
pacman -Syu papirus-icon-theme arc-gtk-theme
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/arc-kde/master/install.sh | sh


Login required. KDE will not display themes correctly until logging off and logging back in.

9.2. Global Theme

9.3. Startup & Shutdown

See Login Screen (sddm) for detailed login screen configuration.

9.4. Langauge Packs

9.5. Workspace Behavior

9.6. Windows Management

9.7. Shortcuts

9.9. Personalization

9.10. KDE Wallet

9.11. User Feedback

9.12. Input Devices

9.13. Night Color

9.14. Taskbar Clock

9.15. System Tray

9.16. Rename Terminals