1. Manjaro KDE Plasma
Use the standard KDE release: https://manjaro.org/downloads/official/kde/
Disable Secure boot.
1.1. Base Utilities
pacman -Syu vim alacritty
1.2. Enable Fractional UI Scaling
Use for high DPI displays per preference.
Enable fractional scaling for UI
⌘ › system settings › display and monitor › display configuration
global scale
for any display arrangement
Updated: None
1.3. Capslock as Control
Change capslock to left control.
sudo localectl set-x11-keymap us pc105 ,query ctrl:nocaps
0644 root root
Reboot to apply.
1.4. Use Bash Shell
Default shell is zsh. Update user accounts as needed.
0644 root root
1.5. GnuPG and Yubikey
Setup using Manjaro GPG Yubikey and relaunch shell.
1.6. Remove Nobody User
⌘ › manjaro settings manager › user accounts
remove user nobody