fail2ban Troubleshooting
Bans Not Triggering
This is due to either invalid regex filters, timezone differences in logs and
container, or database wonkiness.
fail2ban-regex /path/to/log.log /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/my-filter.conf
If there are known lines that should be caught, these should appear in the
output as matched
fail2ban-client --dp
This will show the loaded filters and jails. They should match your config.
Restart the service to reload if different.
docker-compose logs -f f2b-docker
Bans should clearly appear in logs after logs are updated.
fail2ban-client unban --all
docker-compose down
docker rmi crazymax/fail2ban:latest
rm /path/to/f2b/db/fail2ban.sqllite
docker-compuse up -d
Sometimes the DB gets in a weird state where actions are not triggered. This will reset fail2ban to a default state (including the database) and actions should be triggered again.