Configuration Patterns
General good configuration practice patterns after using NGINX as a reverse proxy for a while.
One Proxy File Per Site
Minimizes errors by keeping proxy configuration in one location. Useful when needing the same proxy config multiple times in a site.
mkdir /etc/nginx/conf.d/include/proxy
Add each site proxy config to /etc/nginx/conf.d/include/proxy/{SITE}
. These
can be imported in server/location blocks as needed.
server {
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/include/proxy/{SITE};
One Server Site Per Config File
Keep one site per configuration file to focus only on that site. This will help reduce errors and allow fast lookup / disable of configurations.
mkdir /etc/nginx/conf.d/include/server
Add each site to /etc/nginx/conf.d/include/server/{SITE}
. Then modify
default config to auto import sites / services.
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/include/server/*;
Adding a site in services and restarting NGINX will now automatically pickup that site.
Password Authencation (Basic Auth)
Basic auth uses a file to authenticate users for NGINX locations.
apt install apache2-utils
sudo htpasswd -c /etc/nginx/{SITE}.pass {USER}
server {
listen 443 ssl http2;
server_name {SITE}.{DOMAIN} {SITE};
location / {
allow {TRUSTED IP};
deny all;
auth_basic '{SITE}';
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/{SITE}.pass;
proxy_pass https://{SITE}/;
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/proxy-control.conf;
This will allow specific subnets and trusted IP’s to access location without
authentication, and force all others to authenticate, prompting with
See Site-wide Auth File for applying auth to subnets.
Site-wide Auth File
Keep authentication definitions for different services to one file to maintain authentication consistency across multiple sites.
Create an authentication block and store in a file.
# Allow all on through, and force auth for everyone else.
satisfy any;
deny all;
auth_basic 'Your Site';
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/conf.d/your_site.pass
Include authentication block where authentication would be required:
location / {
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/site-auth.conf;
proxy_pass ...
Remove Auth Requirement for Docker Containers
For docker containers running with NGINX, the docker network or specific IP would need to be whitelisted. This allows dashboards and services to communicate using FQDNs without needing basic auth.
Whitelist All Containers
docker network ls
docker network inspect docker_default
Add IP range to the authorization file:
Whitelist Single Container
Set static IP for docker container (otherwise it is random).
Whitelist specific IP in auth file:
Disable Auth for a specific location
Explicitly disable auth and allow all to remove any auth enforcement for a specific location. This is for proxied sites that do their own authentication (e.g. git) or for specific locations which shouldn’t be auth’ed.
Explicitly set no authentication and allow all
to prevent any
configuration carried over from the default site.
location / {
auth_basic off;
allow all;
proxy_pass ...
Accessing Networks from Other Compose Containers
Custom networks may be explicitly accessed by other containers (e.g. a reverse-proxy) by explicitly defining them within the compose definition.
external: true
is a network defined in another container. Once this is
added, the proxy container will be able to do DNS resolution of container
names as usual, including proxying traffic to that network.
Classify Networks to Variables
Determine remote address subnet / IP and set variable specifically for match. Enables use of logic within NGINX to make decisions based on remote IP address.
geo $client {
default default; nginx-proxy-host; subnet-one; subnet-two;
will store a value based on the most specific match and can be checked in other sections.There is essentially no cost for a large list of matches; only evaluated when used.
server {
location / {
if ($client = subnet-one) {
return 403;
Rate Limiting
Restrict the amount of requests a user can simultaneously issue to the NGINX proxy and determine how to throttle or drop requests over that limit. Read in-depth documentation to fully understand rate limiting.
limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=binip:10m rate=10r/s;
Place this in the
context block, outside ofserver
blocks.10 MB
of memory is reserved in the zonebinip
to match the binary ip address requests. This is shared across all threads.The rate limit specified is 10 requests / second. (1 request every 100 milliseconds). No bursting is defined here so requests between 100 millisecond increments will be dropped.
location / {
limit_req zone=binip burst=20 nodelay;
Enable bursting of up to 20 requests a second and immediate queue those requests without delay. This will handle requests between 100 millisecond increments, however, the 21st request will be delayed until the queue has space.
will enable bursting of up to 10 requests a second, then delay any request amount over 10 until the queue is cleared. Excessive queries will be dropped.